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Program/Submission Info: Research Chairs Industry Chairs

SPLC 2014 Conference Welcome Reception will take place on Wednesday September 17th at "La Serra Torrigiani"
More Info at this site page
The Many Flavors of Ecosystems
This panel will discuss both technical and business related ecosystem issues including software product line practices such as variation management and production planning.
early registration deadline: July, 31 2014
early registration deadline: July, 31 2014
Participants are requested to familiarise themselves with their own applicable visa requirements well in advance of the conference. Present worldwide security regulations result in generally in more stringent visa requirements and associated visa processing time.
The SPLC 2014 organizers cannot intervene with Embassies or Consulates on behalf of any participant. However, if a personal invitation letter that confirms registration to the conference is needed, please send email to indicating details of the paper you are going to present at the conference, and providing the following information:
Registration fees will be refunded only if cancellation is received in writing at before August 30, 2014.
Cancellations will be subject to a cancellation fee of € 50.00. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after the above date. Refunds will be issued after the conference.
Please note that the deadline for reservations at Convitto della Calza (and related) has been extended to 31 July 2014.
See the Accommodation page for all the information needed.
Accepted papers list has been published.
Check the related page for the complete list
The social event will take place on Thursday 18th September. It will take pale at At Castello Vicchiomaggio , located in the heart of the "Chianti Classico" region, just 18Km from Florence and 5km from "Greve in Chianti". More Info at this site page
SPLC 2014 Accepted Workshops list has been published:
Information about accomodation in Florence close to the Conference venue with related discounts/reservations have been published on site page Accommodation under the venue section.
Visit the SPLC 2014 site calendars page for all SPLC 2014 events dates
The SPLC 2014 Conference Easychair submission link is available:
Doctoral Symposium Chairs
Dave Clarke, Uppsala University, Sweden
KU Leuven, Belgium
Doctoral Symposium Panel/Reviewers
Ina Schaefer, TU Braunschweig, Germany
Rick Rabiser, JKU Linz, Austria
Klaus Schmid, U Hildesheim, Germany
Maurice ter Beek, ISTI-CNR, Italy
General Chairs:
Research Chairs:
Industry Chairs: