Call for Tutorial Proposals

Tutorials provide a valuable opportunity for conference participants to expand their product line knowledge and skills.
Tutorials may focus on introductory product line topics, such as how to introduce a product line approach into an organization, or on more advanced applied topics, such as industrial product line engineering practices.

This year, we would like to place special emphasis on the practical adoption of SPL skills, tools, and processes in industry, and on in-depth discussions of advanced SPLE topics (e.g., agile practices, ecosystem modeling, application platforms).

Tutorials will be held during the conference week in full-day or half-day sessions. A tutorial proposal consists of two pages describing the topic, the plan for conducting the tutorial, and the backgrounds of the presenters and the tutorial.

  • The Topic section should include the title, goals, and intended audience of the tutorial (practical vs. academic; beginners vs. advances). The topic should be described in detail, stressing its importance and timeliness.
  • The Plan section should include:
    • a preliminary schedule of events including estimated times and length of the tutorial (half-day/full-day);
    • a detailed description of what the tutorial will cover;
    • a justification of the tutorial for SPLC2014;
    • an explanation of how the tutorial will be conducted; and
    • sample material or notes, if the topic is being proposed for the first time.
  • The Presenters' Backgrounds section should include relevant biographical information and summaries of the presenters' technical presentation and tutorial experience.
  • The Tutorial Background section should include a description of where and when the tutorial has been offered previously and any evaluations that were done.

A one-page description of all accepted tutorials will be published in the conference proceedings.

SPLC 2014 Easychair submission link

Tutorial Chairs
Sholom Cohen, Software Engineering Institute, USA -
Jaejoon Lee, Lancaster University, UK -

Tutorials Important Dates
Tutorial Proposals (extended): April 11, 2014 April 16, 2014
Notification of Acceptance: April 30, 2014
Final version 1 page abstract: July 20, 2014