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Call for WorkshopsSholom Cohen, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA SPLC 2013 Workshop Chair The Organizing Committee of SPLC 2013 invites submissions for workshop proposals. The purpose of the workshop program is to provide a platform for current and emerging work in software product line development. We invite proposals for one-day or two-day workshops to be held in conjunction with SPLC 2012. We encourage proposals on conference-related topics that are novel or of emerging importance. Each workshop proposal will be evaluated according to the value and relevance of its topic, the expertise and experience of the workshop organizers, and the workshop's potential for attracting participants and generating useful results. We stress the importance of active and creative workshops that foster a collaborative environment of interest to both practitioners and researchers. We encourage workshop proposals that are highly interactive, rather than mini-conferences. Workshops and are expected to be arranged on the first and second conference day, 26th and 27th August 2013. Submission Guidelines Proposals for workshops should be authored by at least two organizers, preferably from different institutions, and should contain the following three sections:
Workshop content
Preliminary Call This will necessarily repeat some of the information from the previous sections, but should be targeted towards prospective participants. The workshop call for papers should address the following items:
Submission Requirements Proposals are due by 6 March 2013. Please send your workshop proposals using EasyChair (login as author to: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=splc2013 and select SPLC 2013 Workshop). Proposals must be submitted in ASCII text or PDF format. Relevant supporting materials, such as proceedings from previous offerings of the proposed workshop (or other workshops run by the proposal authors), should be included if available but are not required for submission. All workshop proposals must conform to the ACM SIG proceedings format, three pages maximum. A one-page summary of each accepted workshop will be published in the SPLC proceedings. Options for publishing accepted papers are still to be determined. Acceptance Criteria To obtain a balanced and cohesive workshop program, the Organizing Committee will collaborate closely with workshop organizers and reserves the right to circulate proposals to other submitters in view of possible workshop mergers. The organizers of accepted workshops will be required to create and maintain a Web site in a timely manner to serve as a workshop information center and to provide a repository for documenting pre- and post-workshop activities. |