
Accepted workshops for SPLC 2020

3rd Intl. Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-intensive Systems (VariVolution)

Organisers: Jacob Krüger, Sofia Ananieva, Lea Gerling and Eric Walkingshaw

Abstract: Modern software systems are subject to continuous change and of- ten need to exist in many variants addressing different requirements. Yet, software versions resulting from evolution in time (revisions) and variants resulting from evolution in space are managed radically differently, but none of the traditional technologies have been successful in effectively supporting unified revision and variant management in practice.

Recently, several research activities have focused on the integrated management of evolution and variability. Existing approaches stem from multiple origins, most notably from the fields of software configuration management and software product line engineering, but also from, for example, software modularity and software architecture. For instance, variation control systems adopt a holistic view on software evolution in time and space with the ultimate goal of systematically managing software revisions and variants.

VariVolution (the 3rd International Workshop on Variability and Evolution of Software-intensive Systems) aims at bringing together active researchers studying software evolution and variability from different angles as well as practitioners who encounter these phenomena in real-world applications and systems. The workshop offers a platform for exchanging new ideas and fostering future research collaborations and synergies.


REVE 2020: 8th International Workshop on REverse Variability Engineering

Organisers: Wesley K. G. Assunção, Mathieu Acher, Tewfik Ziadi and Jabier Martinez

Abstract: Software Product Line (SPL) migration remains a challenging endeavour. From organizational issues to purely technical challenges, there is a wide range of barriers that complicates SPL adoption. This workshop aims to foster research about making the most of the two main inputs for SPL migration: 1) domain knowledge and 2) legacy assets. Domain knowledge, usually implicit and spread across an organization, is key to define the SPL scope and to validate the variability model and its semantics. At the technical level, domain expertise is also needed to create or extract the reusable software components. Legacy assets can be, for instance, similar product variants (e.g., requirements, models, source code, etc.) that were implemented using ad-hoc reuse techniques such as clone-and-own. More generally, the workshop REverse Variability Engineering (REVE) attracts researchers and practitioners contributing to processes, techniques, tools, or empirical studies related to the automatic, semi-automatic or manual extraction or refinement of SPL assets.


Third International Workshop on Languages for Modelling Variability (MODEVAR@SPLC 2020)

Organisers: Mathieu Acher, Philippe Collet, David Benavides and Rick Rabiser

Abstract: Feature models were invented in 1990 and have been recognised as one of the main contributions to the Software Product Line community. Although there have been several attempts to establish and study a sort of standard variability modelling language (e.g., OVM, CVL, TVL,..) there is still no consensus on a simple feature modelling language. There can be many motivations to have one but among others, there is one that is very important: information sharing among researchers, tools or developers. Following the spirit of the first two editions, one at SPLC last year, and the other at VAMOS in February 2020, this workshop plans to be a full-day, interactive event where all participants shall share knowledge and first realizations about how to build up a simple feature model language that all the community can agree on.


Workshop on Experiences and Empirical Studies on Software Reuse (WEESR 2020)

Organisers: Jaime Chavarriaga, Julio Hurtado

This workshop aims for providing feedback on how these studies are planned, designed, conducted and reported. In contrast to the SPLC track for industrial papers, we expect this workshop helps participants to improve their research on reusing practices by looking other works and discussing existing techniques from empirical software engineering. Here, we are interested on topics such as reuse techniques and product line adoptions that, although there are some successful experiences, they may be hard to replicate in other companies.We expect that the working sessions in the workshop contribute to explore what research methods and approaches can help us to understand better what factors must be considered by researchers and what new tools and techniques can be applied in our work.
