Call for research papers


The Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) is a premier forum where researchers, practitioners, and educators can present and discuss the most recent ideas, trends, experiences, and challenges in the area of software and system product lines engineering. Conference events include opportunities to hear industry leaders’ real-world experiences and researchers’ latest ideas, and to learn from both.

For the research track, we invite high quality submissions describing original and unpublished results in all areas related to systems and software product line engineering and variability management.


  • Abstract submission:  Mar 10, 2017 Mar 17, 2017  (extended)
  • Paper submission: Mar 17, 2017 Mar 24, 2017  (extended)
  • Notification: May 10, 2017
  • Camera-ready papers:  June 5, 2017 Jun 22, 2017
  • Conference: Sept 25-29 , 2017

Topics include but are not limited to:

  • Requirements engineering and domain analysis
  • Business process management, economics and organizational issues of SPL engineering
  • Architecture, design, and implementation of SPLs
  • Variability management and modeling
  • Advances in testing (e.g. selection, prioritization, generation) of configurable systems and SPLs
  • Analysis techniques such as model-checking, formal methods of configurable systems and SPLs
  • Non-functional properties and performance for SPL engineering
  • Multi product lines, ecosystems product lines of product lines, systems of systems
  • Mining and reverse engineering of variability
  • Dynamic, adaptive, and reconfigurable systems
  • End-user concerns and usability of SPLs
  • Open source SPLs, software ecosystems, and supply chains
  • Domain-specific (modeling) languages and SPLs
  • Education and SPL (e.g., teaching, training, disemination)
  • Empirical evaluations of all topics above (user studies, substantial case studies, controlled experiments, surveys, rigorous measurements)

We strongly encourage papers that connect SPL engineering to other scientific communities (e.g., artificial intelligence, security, adaptive systems, business process management, software mining) or application domains (e.g., mobile phone ecosystems, big data, 3D printing).

  • Full papers describing original results of conceptual, theoretical, empirical, and experimental research. The papers in this category must rely on theoretical and/or empirical evaluation.
  • Short papers describing emerging ideas and outstanding challenges along with possible approaches for resolving them. 
The page limit is 10 pages for full papers and 5 pages for short papers. Submissions must follow the ACM proceedings format and will be reviewed by at least three members of the SPLC 2017 research track program committee following high scientific standards. 

The ACM styles have changed recently, and all authors should use the official 2017 ACM Master article template.

Latex users are indicated to use the “sigconf” option, so they are recommended to use the template that can be found in “sample-sigconf.tex”. In this way, the following latex code can be placed at the start of the latex document:


acmConference[SPLC'17]{21st International Conference on Software Product Line}{25--29 September, 2017}{Seville, Spain}
The SPLC proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library. SPLC is ranked as a top conference.
At least one author of each accepted submission must register and attend SPLC 2017 in order for the submission to be published.
Submissions should be sent using EasyChair:
  • Myra Cohen, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
  • Mathieu Acher, Université of Rennes 1