Accepted workshops

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REVE’17: 5th International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering
DSPL’17: 10th International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines

Submission:   May 24, 2017
Notification: June 14, 2017
CRC:          June 22, 2017

REVE 2017.  5th International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering

Software Product Line (SPL) migration remains a challenging endeavour. From organizational issues to purely technical challenges, there is a wide range of barriers that complicates SPL adoption. This workshop aims to foster research about making the most of the two main inputs for SPL migration: 1) domain knowledge and 2) legacy assets. Domain knowledge, usually implicit and spread across an organization, is key to define the SPL scope and to validate the variability model and its semantics. At the technical level, domain expertise is also needed to create or extract the reusable software components. Legacy assets can be, for instance, similar product variants (e.g. requirements, models, source code etc.) that were implemented using ad-hoc reuse techniques such as clone-and-own. More generally, the workshop REverse Variability Engineering (REVE) attracts researchers and practitioners contributing to processes, techniques, tools, or empirical studies related to the automatic, semi-automatic or manual extraction or refinement of SPL assets.

DSPL ’17. 10th International Workshop on Dynamic Software Product Lines – Adaptive Systems through Runtime Variability

The concept of adaptation and self-adaptation of systems, in particular at runtime has caught the attention of the research community at large, both inside the domain of Software Product Lines (SPL) as well as outside SPL in areas like models-at-runtime, self-adaptive systems, ubiquitous computing, and specific application domains where runtime adaptation and post-deployment activities are required.

Dynamic software product lines (DSPL) were established as a research area under the assumption that product line concepts can be very usefully applied in this context. Since its inception the DSPL-workshop addresses the mission of supporting adaptive and adaptable system development based on product line concepts. The lack of maturity and consolidation of DSPL approaches stills needs significant research effort to advance the state of the art. Also synergies between other fields on adaptive systems and DSPL could be explored and exploited more systematically. Our focus is to extend the community of researchers and to provide a forum for the discussion of current research on related topics.