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Don Batory

Don Batory holds the David Bruton Centennial Professorship in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Texas at Austin. He received a B.S. (1975) and M.Sc. (1977) degrees from Case Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. (1980) from the University of Toronto. He was a faculty member at the University of Florida in 1981 before he joined the University of Texas in 1983. He was Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (1999-2002), Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Database Systems (1986-1992), member of the ACM Software Systems Award Committee (1989-1993; Committee Chairman in 1992), Program Co-Chair for the 2002 Generative Programming and Component Engineering Conference. He is a proponent of Feature Oriented Software Development (FOSD) and with colleagues (and former students) has recently authored a textbook on the topic. Since 1993, he and his students have written 11 Award Papers for their work in automated program development. He and Lance Tokuda were awarded the Automated Software Engineering 2013 Most Influential Paper Award on their work on program refactorings.

Jane Cleland-Huang

Jane Cleland-HuangJane Cleland-Huang is Professor of Software Engineering in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, where she serves as the director of the Systems and Requirements Engineering Center.  She  is North American Director of the International Center of Excellence for Software Traceability.  Her research interests emphasize the application of machine learning and information retrieval methods to tackle large-scale Software and Requirements  Engineering problems with focus on automating the creation,  evolution, and dynamic reconfiguration of product-wide traceability. This is of particular importance in Software Product lines, where new combinations and configurations of features can be expected at both design-time and run-time. She has served as Principle Investigator on grants worth $5 Million over the past 10 years.  Dr. Cleland-Huang serves as Associate Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,  as Chair of the IFIP 2.9 Working Group on Requirements Engineering  and as Vice-Chair for ACM SIGSOFT.   She has been the recipient of the US National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award, four ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards and 2006 IFIP TC2 Manfred Paul Award for Excellence in Software: Theory and Practice.  She is a member of ACM SIGSOFTShe received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago.  Additional information is available at

Marcello La Rosa

Professor Marcello La Rosa is Acting Head of the Business Process Management (BPM) Discipline and the Academic Director for corporate programs and partnerships at the Information Systems School of the Queensland University of Technology. He was the recipient of an Information Systems Fellowship from the University of Liechtenstein and held a part-time Principal Researcher position at NICTA. His research interests span different BPM areas with a focus on process consolidation, mining and automation, where he published over 100 papers, attracting two best paper awards for his work at the BPM and the ER conferences. Marcello leads the Apromore initiative ( – a strategic inter-university collaboration for the development of an open-source BPM analytics platform. He has taught BPM to practitioners and students in Australia and overseas for over ten years. Based on this experience, he co-authored “Fundamentals of BPM”, the first comprehensive textbook on this subject, which has influenced the curriculum of over 150 universities to date. Using this book, he co-developed a series of MOOCs on BPM, which have attracted over 20,000 participants. More information on him at