The Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) is a premier forum where researchers, practitioners, and educators can present and discuss the most recent ideas, trends, experiences, and challenges in the area of software and system product lines engineering. In 2015, SPLC will be held in Nashville, TN.
There are four tracks associated with standard papers and oral presentations. SPLC’s traditional core topics associated with software product lines are the focus of the Research and Industry Tracks. In addition, SPLC 15 features a new System Engineering Track focused on system engineering product line topics. These three tracks are intended to present recent and current work. Finally, a new Vision Track has been added with a focus on the future, discussing trends, emerging directions, and synergies with fields outside traditional software and system product line communities.
For the research track, we invite high quality submissions describing original and unpublished results of in all areas related to software product line engineering.
The topics include but are not limited to:
We invite the following two categories of contributions:
Page limit is 10 pages for full papers and 5 pages for short papers. Submissions should follow the ACM SIGS proceedings format and will be reviewed by at least three members of the SPLC 2015 Research Track program committee.
SPLC 2015 Easychair submission link:
Abstracts: March 27, 2015 April 10, 2015 (extended)
Full papers: April 3, 2015 April 17, 2015 (extended)
Notifications: May 21, 2015 June 4, 2015 (extended)
SPLC 2015: July 20-24, 2015
Further enquiries can be made to the Research Track chairs:
Industrial participation is and has always been a strong aspect of SPLC and the upcoming event will be no exception to this tradition. So we invite your contributions to discuss challenges, innovations and solutions to concrete industrial applications of software product line engineering tools and methodologies.
For more than a decade, organizations have been taking advantage of software product line practices to achieve business advantages in time to market, cost, quality, and agility. These organizations have encountered a wide range of challenges, successes, and adaptations in their software product line experience. We are seeking contributions from industry that share those challenges, successes, and adaptations during all stages of software product line maturity-ranging from adoption to evolution.
Page limit is 10 pages for full papers and 5 pages for short papers. Submissions should follow the ACM SIGS proceedings format and will be reviewed by at least three members of the SPLC 2015 Industry Track program committee.
Abstracts: March 27, 2015 April 10, 2015 (extended)
Full papers: April 3, 2015 April 17, 2015 (extended)
Notifications: May 21, 2015 June 4, 2015 (extended)
SPLC 2015: July 20-24, 2015
Further enquiries can be made to the Industry Track chairs:
The goal of the SPLC Vision Track 2015 is to look to the future of software and system product lines, discussing trends, emerging directions, and synergies with fields outside traditional software and system product line communities. The Vision Track encourages discussion of radical new directions and potentially disruptive software and system engineering innovations. To support that goal, the Vision Track will publish three kinds of papers:
Vision Track submissions must clearly motivate and illustrate a rationale for changing current practice and/or research in software product lines engineering or related fields. We solicit long papers (up to 10 pages) and short papers (up to 5 pages). Long papers for the Vision Track require supporting evidence for the claims made; short papers do not require evaluation results but can optionally be presented.
The SPLC Vision Track provides a forum for innovative, thought-provoking directions in software and system product lines aiming to accelerate the exposure of the community to promising and potentially inspiring research and engineering efforts. Contributions should provide novel, soundly motivated research and engineering directions and emerging results.
A Vision Track submission should not be a position statement or an SPLC research submission that lacks sufficient evaluation. Vision Track papers are fundamentally different in nature, focusing on future trends and directions.
All papers will be evaluated in terms of the following criteria.
In the submission form, authors must explicitly categorize their papers into one of the following categories:
A Vision Track submission must conform to the ACM SIGS proceedings format and must not exceed 10 pages for long papers and 5 pages for short papers, including text, references and figures. Submissions will be reviewed by at least three members of the SPLC 2015 Vision Track program committee. Papers must be submitted electronically via easychair by the submission deadline. Submissions that do not comply with the instructions and size limits may be rejected without review.
Submission link: - select Vision Papers
At least one author of accepted papers will present the work at the conference.
Abstracts: March 27, 2015 April 10, 2015 (extended)
Full papers: April 3, 2015 April 17, 2015 (extended)
Notifications: May 21, 2015 June 4, 2015 (extended)
SPLC 2015: July 20-24, 2015
Further enquiries can be made to the Vision Track chairs:
While SPLC has always targeted systems as well as software product line engineering, SPLC 2015 introduces a new track explicitly aimed at product lines residing primarily in the systems engineering realm.
The International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) defines SE as an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems. It concerns operations, cost and schedule, performance, training and support, test, technical considerations.
This track solicits papers, either research-oriented or industry-oriented, that are explicitly aimed at product lines residing primarily in the Systems Engineering realm. Specifically, this track is for papers addressing product line engineering where the focus extends beyond software and into other lifecycle phases (design, testing, mechanical, electrical, operations, portfolio management, manufacturing, etc.) and/or concerns across the whole organization. Industry or research papers focusing primarily on software product lines should be submitted to the standard industry and research tracks.
Submissions should follow the ACM SIGS proceedings format and will be reviewed by at least three members of the SPLC 2015 Systems Engineering Track program committee.
Abstracts: March 27, 2015 April 10, 2015 (extended)
Full papers: April 3, 2015 April 17, 2015 (extended)
Notifications: May 21, 2015 June 4, 2015 (extended)
SPLC 2015: July 20-24, 2015
The Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) is the premier forum for practitioners, researchers and educators to present and discuss the most recent ideas, innovations, trends, experiences, and concerns in the area of software product lines, software product family engineering and, more in general, systems family engineering. SPLC 2015 will be the 19th meeting of the product line community and will be held in Tennessee, USA, 20 to 24 July.
We propose you to collaborate in this forum by submitting proposals for one or two day’s interactive and collaborative workshops in the field of software product lines. Those workshops should be targeting innovative, emerging and interesting research areas within the context of software product lines. The aim of SPLC workshops should be to incentive the collaboration in between multiple software product line researchers and practitioners interested in specific areas rather than mini-conferences.
Workshops usually take place on the first and second day of the conference, thus, 20th and 21st July’15. SPLC workshop papers are published in volume 2 of the SPLC conference proceedings published by ACM. Moreover, a one-page summary of each accepted workshop will be published in volume 1.
Workshop proposals should be authored by at least two organizers, preferably from different institutions, and they should contain the following three sections:
This will necessarily repeat some of the information from the previous sections, but should be targeted towards prospective participants. The workshop call for papers should address the following items:
Please send your workshop proposals using EasyChair (login as author to: and select SPLC 2015 Workshops). Proposals must be submitted in PDF format. Relevant supporting material, such as proceedings from previous offerings of the proposed workshop or other workshops run by the proposal authors, should be included if available but are not required for submission. A workshop proposal must be at most 3 pages. Each workshop proposal will be evaluated according to the relevance of its topic, the expertise and experience of the workshop organizers, and the workshop's potential for attracting participants and generating useful results. We underline the importance of active and creative workshops that foster a collaborative environment of interest to both practitioners and researchers, aiming, e.g., to evolve the field of software product lines and to identify elements of joint future work.
To obtain a balanced and cohesive workshop program, the Organizing Committee will collaborate closely with workshop organizers and reserves the right to circulate proposals to other submitters in view of possible workshop mergers. The organizers of accepted workshops will be required to create and maintain a Web site in a timely manner to serve as a workshop information center and to provide a repository for documenting pre- and post-workshop activities.
If accepted, the following deadlines are set by the SPLC organization:
All workshop organizers and participants must register for SPLC 2015.
Further enquiries can be made to the workshop chairs:
Tutorials provide a valuable opportunity for conference participants to expand their product line knowledge and skills. Tutorials may focus on introductory product line topics, such as how to introduce a product line approach into an organization, or on more advanced applied topics, such as industrial product line engineering practices.
This year, we would like to place special emphasis on the following areas:
Tutorials will be held during the conference week in full-day or half-day sessions. A tutorial proposal consists of two pages describing the topic, the plan for conducting the tutorial, and the backgrounds of the presenters and the tutorial.
A one-page description of all accepted tutorials will be published in the conference proceedings.
James H. Hill, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA –
Abstracts: March 27, 2015 April 10, 2015 (extended)
Full papers: April 3, 2015 April 17, 2015 (extended)
Notifications: May 21, 2015 June 4, 2015 (extended)
SPLC 2015: July 20-24, 2015
The SPLC Doctoral Symposium aims to provide a supportive environment that enables doctoral students to get feedback on and improve their research. Students will have the opportunity to discuss their work with experienced members of the community. Thus, the symposium offers a unique opportunity to gather valuable expert feedback and to get into contact with other students in the same field. The overall aim of the symposium is to improve the quality of doctoral theses in the area of software product lines. The event is dedicated to Ph.D. candidates (2nd year or later) with initial results that are not yet mature enough for a full conference paper. The SPLC doctoral symposium covers the same research topics as the main conference.
To participate, students should prepare a research plan answering the following questions:
In detail, the following structure and content is strongly recommended:
Front matter
Title, your name, email address, personal website, abstract
Introduction and Motivation
Introduction (area of study); description of the problem (that you tackle); what the
literature says about this problem (where does existing work fail?); how you (plan to) tackle this problem; how you (plan to) implement your solution/envisioned result; how you (plan to) validate your solution.
Research Issues, Objectives, and Questions (and Hypotheses)
The main research issues/objectives/questions/hypotheses clearly stated.
Research Methodology and Research Design
The research method(s) you are using or plan to use, with appropriate references.
The research design: how you concretely plan to apply the method(s), e.g., data collection and analysis, set-up for measurements/experiments, case studies, etc.
How do you plan to evaluate your results? Threats to validity?
Preliminary key results or contributions
Outline/Overview of the proposed solution, results of preliminary data analysis, etc.
An example to explain how the solution would work (this is very important!).
What is expected to be the main result or contribution?
Work plan
Outline of the structure of your thesis.
Work accomplished so far and work remaining to be done.
Publication plan and other tasks planned.
A detailed work plan for the next 6-12 months.
Key references
The idea of the research plan is to provide clear material to be useful as a basis for guidance and discussion. Therefore, students should think about the above points carefully and try to make their ideas as concrete and clear as possible. Students at relatively early stages of their research will certainly have difficulty addressing some of these, but should still attempt to do the best they can. It is strongly recommended that students discuss these points with their supervisors!
Ask your supervisor/advisor for a letter of recommendation. It should include your name and an assessment of the current status of your thesis research and an expected date for thesis submission.
Submissions should include a research plan (8 pages max. in ACM SIGS proceedings format, tighter style) and a letter of recommendation. All submissions must be in English, in PDF format, and must not contain or cite proprietary or confidential material. The research plan should be submitted via EasyChair (select Doctoral Symposium as submission type). The letter of recommendation should be sent by email to
SPLC 2015 Easychair submission link
Abstracts: March 27, 2015 April 10, 2015 (extended)
Full papers: April 3, 2015 April 17, 2015 (extended)
Notifications: May 21, 2015 June 4, 2015 (extended)
SPLC 2015: July 20-24, 2015
Review and Evaluation Criteria
Submissions will be evaluated by at least two reviewers according to relevance, originality and feasibility of the described research. See also the points on the right sketching out the suggested content of the research plan. We recommend to discuss the submission, the letter of recommendation, and the travel with your supervisor early on.
The symposium will be held in conjunction with SPLC 2015. Each participant gets the chance to present his/her work (full presentation or short presentation) and will get feedback from the panelists and the audience. In particular, the presenters will be provided with an opportunity for direct discussions with the reviewers. Students are recommended to prepare particular points they want to get feedback on and/or want to discuss.
The Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) is a premier forum where researchers, practitioners, and educators can present and discuss the most recent ideas, trends, experiences, and challenges in the area of software and system product lines engineering.
The SPLC 2015 Demonstrations and Tools track provides an opportunity for live demonstrations of product line tools and practices tackling current industrial challenges. We invite proposals for demonstrations of academic, open source, in-house, and commercial tools that support and automate any aspect of product line engineering. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, feature modeling, variant management, validation and verification, derivation and generation of products, product line testing, and product line analysis.
Demonstrations of original, novel tools, of existing tools with new contributions, and of customized extensions of standard tools are welcome. We invite demonstrations of both early implementations and mature products. Commercial tool vendors are encouraged to demonstrate their tools together with an industrial customer using concrete examples. Each tool demonstration should explain how the tool could be used to solve real-life problems with a use case.
In addition to tool demonstrations, we are interested in proposals for demonstrations of industrial product line practice. Of special interest are practices, which are currently not sufficiently supported by tools. Demonstrations should illustrate the state of the practice in product line engineering and should communicate the existing practice, assumptions behind the approach, and actual or potential limitations and challenges. Both successful and unsuccessful practices may be shared.
Papers describing the tool or practice and how it will be demonstrated should be submitted electronically as PDF files through the Demonstrations and Tools track using EasyChair at
Submissions must not exceed 4 pages in the ACM SIGS proceedings format including all text, references and figures, and must have an appendix of at most 2 pages providing a brief description of how the presentation will be conducted.
Abstracts: March 27, 2015 April 10, 2015 (extended)
Full papers: April 3, 2015 April 17, 2015 (extended)
Notifications: May 21, 2015 June 4, 2015 (extended)
SPLC 2015: July 20-24, 2015
Submissions will be evaluated according to the relevance and originality of the work as well as presentation quality. Work that has not been previously presented at SPLC is given a priority. Tools previously presented at SPLC should include a description of new features of the tool or new aspects to be presented. The proposal should highlight what insight the audience would get from the presentation.
Accepted proposals will appear in the SPLC 2015 Proceedings. At least one author of each accepted submission must register and attend SPLC 2015 in order for the submission to be published in the second volume of the proceedings. All accepted demonstrations will be expected to present a poster, a live demonstration and a short overview presentation about their product.
For further information, please contact Abhishek Dubey (