Please follow the following instructions to prepare the camera-ready version of your article.
- You will receive an email from containing instructions for copy right transfer. Please follow the instructions, and you will receive the code block to be added to your paper.
- Please prepare your camera-ready article using the ACM proceedings template at: proceedings-template.html.
Please follow the guidelines on the web page, and pay special attention to the following.
- Please include the received code block to show the correct ACM Rights Statement and bibliographic strip.
- Please follow the guide on the above page to generate the code for the CCS indexing terms. Please include the code in your paper source.
- The camera ready file should be PDF. It should have Type 1 fonts (scalable), not Type 3 (bit-mapped). All fonts MUST be embedded within the PDF file. You can see a document on how to embed your fonts at: instructions.txt. You may use the ACM Digital Library optimal distiller settings file at: ACM.joboptions.
- Please prepare both the camera-ready pdf and the source files. If the source file contains multiple files, they should be put in a compressed file. In the case of latex, the camera-ready pdf should be easily produced from the source file by invoking “pdflatex main.tex” and “bibtex main”.
- You should have received an ID and a password. Please upload the camera-ready pdf and the source files using the ID and the password at: Here.
- Please finish the uploading of the camera-ready version before the deadlines and stay within the page limits. The deadlines and the page limits can be found below.
- Note that for each accpeted paper, at least one author should be registrated at the regular fee.
- Research/Industry Tracks: May 23, 2016
- System/Vision Tracks: June 15, 2016
- Tool, Data, and Demonstrations: June 27, 2016
- REVE Workshop: June 28, 2016
- Tutorial/Doctoral Symposium: July 11, 2016
Page Limit:
- Research/Industry/Vision/System Full Paper: 10 pages
- Research/Industry/Vision/System Short Paper: 5 pages
- Tutorial: 1 page
- Tool, Data and Demonstrations: 4 pages of text/references/figures and 2 pages of appendix
- Doctoral Symposium: 8 pages
- REVE Regular Paper: 8 pages
- REVE Short Paper: 4 pages