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Richard N. Taylor - "The Role of Architectural Styles in Successful Software Ecosystems"
Wednesday, Aug 28

Software ecosystems are complex systems composed of multiple independent elements interacting with the system as a whole and with each other. "Success" for an ecosystem may be judged primarily in economic terms, but may alternatively be assessed with regard to other qualities, such as reduced time-to-market, widespread use, or adaptability. Example successful ecosystems include iOS apps, Photoshop Lightroom plug-ins, RESTful web services, and numerous e-commerce systems. This talk will examine the critical role that architectural styles play in making and sustaining successful ecosystems. Architectural styles are sets of design decisions applicable to a particular context, constraining development within that context, and yielding beneficial qualities. Styles carry lessons learned through experience, aid communication, provide vocabulary, and speed design. Most importantly, they can be key elements in maintaining conceptual integrity. After examining the role of styles in several ecosystems, the talk will focus on the particular problems of ecosystems in which some participants may malicious, or where high degrees of customization or adaptability are required.

Richard N. Taylor is Chancellor's Professor of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Irvine and Director of the Institute for Software Research. He received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1980. His research interests are centered on design and software architectures, especially event-based and peer-to-peer systems. He was was recognized as an ACM Fellow in 1998. In 2005 he was awarded the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award and in 2009 he was recognized with the ACM SIGSOFT Outstanding Research Award.

Masahiro Goto - "Innovation of Automotive Software Development"
Thursday, Aug 29

Automotive electronics systems are getting lager and more complex. And it requires more software capability. The presentation shows automotive software trend and features. Then it shows DENSO's activities to realize more efficient software development.

Masahiro Goto is Director of Corporate Electronic Platform Division at DENSO CORPORATION. He is responsible for the company wide software development, which includes common software technologies and development resources optimization. He has joined AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture) which is a worldwide development partnership of car manufacturers, suppliers and other companies from the electronics, semiconductor and software industry. Since 1984 when he joined DENSO CORPORATION, he has continued to research in vehicle network system technologies e.g. CAN, FlexRay, LIN, EtherNet, and so on, and distributed control system architecture and fundamental software.

James Cordy - "Submodel Pattern Extraction for Simulink Models"
Friday, Aug 30

Long before MDE became a popular method for software development, Simulink was firmly established as a tool for model-driven development of hybrid industrial systems. While practical and expressive for model creation and reuse, Simulink lacks for good abstraction mechanisms, and copy-paste-modify is a standard paradigm in Simulink development, leading to large numbers of variants of similar submodels. SIMONE is a framework and tool for automatically identifying, classifying and formalizing submodel patterns in Simulink models, using near-miss clone detection to find similarities and model merging to identify points of variance. The result is a set of submodel patterns which can be used as a reference for variance in the models, supporting consistency analysis, test optimization, fault identification and the disciplined generation of new subsystem instances using feature selection.

James Cordy is Professor and past Director of the School of Computing at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. From 1995 to 2000 he was Vice President and Chief Research Scientist at Legasys Corporation, a software technology company specializing in legacy software system analysis and renovation. Dr. Cordy received his PhD from the University of Toronto, where he served several years as lecturer and senior research associate before moving to Queen's University in 1985. As leader of the TXL source transformation project with hundreds of academic and industrial users worldwide, he has been involved in software analysis and transformation systems for more than 20 years. He has published more than 150 refereed contributions in software engineering, programming languages and artificial intelligence. Dr. Cordy serves widely as member and chair of conferences and workshops in programming languages and software engineering, recently chairing the IEEE 2011 International Conference on Software Maintenance, the IEEE 2012 International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation, the 2013 International Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, and the 2012 Dagstuhl Workshop on Software Clone Management in Industrial Application. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, a Senior Member of the IEEE, and an IBM CAS Visiting Scientist and Faculty Fellow.